Tor 28
Machabäerstraße 28
50668 Köln
Additional information can be found on the venue's website (only german).
What is an Unconference?
There are no predefined topics or speakers at an unconference. During
the conference, participants make suggestions or express wishes. The
topics are completely open. The participants then choose their favorite
This makes the topics for beginners or advanced, for frontend or backend, for
developers or non-developers. Just as you want!
There’s a lot of coffee and many
breaks. The most important thing about an Unconference is the conversations!
How does a conference like this work?
There’s a pre-party on the Friday evening before the conference. On the first day of the conference we want to get to know each other a little bit, so there’s a big round of introductions. Then we will look for topics together and vote democratically (with glue!). There’ll be workshops or talks in different rooms. In between there will be coffee and lots of food. In the evening there’ll be the after-show party and on Sunday we’ll again propose and choose topics and eat a lot ...
Who is organizing this conference?
This conference is organized by FireGento e.V. and four people from the community who have already organized events in the Magento world and would like to continue this for the Shopware community.
Carmen, Claudia, Fabian, Rico
Friday, March 28, 2025
- starting at 19:30
Saturday, March 29 and
Sunday, March 30, 2025
- entrance open at 9:00
Saturday, March 29, 2025
- starting at 19:30
Location tba
We created a map with the locations of all venues:
We are starting with a pre party in the "Lokal Alte Feuerwache"
Interested in sponsoring?
sponsoring@scuc.blueInterested in sponsoring?
Depending on the current situation, this can change at any time!